We are accepting applications for the waiting list. Applications will be accepted by MAIL ONLY.
The Rocky Hill Housing Authority
36 Willow Road
Rocky Hill, CT 06067
Dear Applicant,
Thank you for your interest in The Rocky Hill Housing Authority affordable housing program. Please complete the enclosed application and the landlord reference form and provide supporting documentation needed to apply for this program. All paperwork/documentation should be signed, dated and submitted with the information requested below to 36 Willow Road, Rocky Hill, CT 06067.
Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Please submit copies of the following documentation, along with your application for all household members whom are applying.
- Verification of all GROSS Income/Assets
A. Social Security, SSI and or State Assistance benefit letter
B. Wages- Four (4) most recent pay stubs/W-2 form
C. Unemployment-weekly benefit amount if applicable
D. Pensions, Trust Funds, Life Insurance Investments and any other income received
E. Last three (3) Checking, Savings, Money Market, IRA, CD statements
F. Stock, Real Estate and any other assets - Identification
A. Birth Certificate
B. Social Security Card
C. Photo ID Card/Driver’s License
D. Certificate of Naturalization of Resident Alien Card, if applicable
Please mail completed applications to 36 Willow Road, Rocky Hill, CT 06067. Your name will be given an assigned controlled number and you will be placed on the waiting list. Please call 860-563-7868 between the hours of 7:30 am – 1:30 pm if you have any questions.
Susan Carotenuti
Executive Director